Be Present

In all that you do, be present. 

One of my internal battles is to live in the moment, to give everything to the present. 

If I do not consciously reign it in, my mind will spend all cycles thinking about the future. 

In my search for balance, I fight this part of my nature, and believe that it is important to find equilibrium. 

One of the greatest gifts that my wife ever gave me, is the realization that right now is important. She has an incredible capacity to enjoy and live in the moment. I envy the ability to sometimes let go of everything else, and focus on today. 

If I am with you, I owe it to you to be with you in body and mind. 

You will know if my mind is not there. Go ahead – tell me, slap me back to the moment if you have to. 

If I go to a meeting, I will commit myself. If the meeting is not important enough for me to give it my attention, then it is not important enough for me to give it my presence. As in all things, there are exceptions when simply physical presence is needed. Those times are the exception, not the rule. 

An even harder thing for me is to spend time in the past. But that is another discussion.