The Secret

girls whispering

I’d like to share a secret with you.
Just one thing.
This is the one thing that will make the biggest difference in your fitness.
And your life.
That’s it.
Be Consistent.
Show up.
Do the work.
That’s the difference between being successful and not.
Some days we don’t have 110% to give.
But we still need to show up.
Reduce the scope, but stick to the schedule.
Scale. Row. Work on a goat.
Just stick to the commitment.
Trust the consistency.
Get to the gym.
Eat real food.
This is a commitment to yourself.
This is about the discipline to follow through.
No excuses.
Don’t play the victim of what life throws at you.
Don’t let shit get in your way.
The secret to success.
Inside the gym and out.
Show up.
Do the work.
Then do it again tomorrow.
That’s it.
I never said it would be easy.
But it’s not that hard.

Die Empty

Empty road

Forget about the old adage “You can’t take it with you when you go”
I prefer the phrase “Die Empty”

Those of you who know me, know that I intend to live forever.
That is just one reason I manage what I eat and I bust my ass in the gym.

I refuse to die.
I have too much I want to do, and too many ideas to pursue.
I will not be ready to go until I am empty.
Empty of ideas.
Empty of goals.
Empty of causes.
Empty of drive.
As far as I can see, these are all growing bigger and bigger for me, not smaller and smaller.

Every day I learn a little more.

Which spawns new ideas.

Every day I meet someone new.

Who helps me understand humankind better.
And gives me another cause to care about.

Every day I see a new problem to solve.

And I make a goal to solve it.

How about you?
Do you have more you want to do?
Are you the person you want to be?
Have you seen everything you want to see?

Don’t give up now.
Don’t give up ever.

Try to use it all up, try to die empty.
I’ll bet you find that you can’t.
I’ll wager even more that you will find that you have lived more in the process

Psychological and Physiological Fitness


Our culture has shifted into a world where more people are considered “Knowledge Workers” than “Laborers”

Many of us don’t use our bodies for our work anymore.
We are thinkers and talkers and writers and planners.
Unfortunately, this has led to an abandonment of balance.
You are more than your brain.

I see people that are treating their body as a tool for nothing more than transporting their brain from place to place.
This makes me sad.
I am sad because of the lost opportunity for efficacy.
I am sad because they will not live and contribute as long as they could have.

We don’t all need to be competitive athletes.
We just need to understand that our bodies and our brains are linked.
Our brains differentiate us from other animals.
But still…
Our brain needs nutrition to operate.
Our brain is affected by hormones.
Our brain thrives when our bodies are active.

If you are a knowledge worker and value your mind.
Take care of it!
Work your body and improve your brain.
Each needs the other more than we realize.

What is holding you back?

Holding you back

What are you waiting for?
You haven’t started yet.
You’re waiting for something.
What is it?

That thing, the thing you just thought.
It’s not really what you are waiting for.
It is a secondary rationale that you have given yourself.
Let’s dig a little deeper.

What are you waiting for?

What is stopping you from having the life you want
Right now?

It’s ok, I know you are afraid.
We have all been there.
Change is scary.
Change is the unknown.
Change is exciting.
Change is beautiful.

Are you really going to be able to do it this time?
Maybe you failed the last time.
And the time before that?
What makes this time different?
You are a new person today.
You are going to join a group of people who are motivated
They will hold you accountable.
And you will hold them accountable.
You will see the joy in helping others succeed while succeeding yourself.
You will have a team of people helping you reach your goals.
You can’t fail this time.
We won’t let you.

Now, what are you waiting for?

What Am I?

What Am I?
I call myself a Primal Transhumanist.
What do I believe?
I believe the following core tenants, and will expound on them over time.
We will have the technology in my lifetime to extend human life indefinitely.
By staying alive long enough to reap the benefits of this technology, I will live forever.
We have many amazing technologies now.
We are advancing technology at an exponential rate.
We will look back in 20 years and be amazed at how primitive we were now.
We do not fully understand the interrelationships between our body’s internal systems. The external world, and our diet.
We are at a transition point in mankind’s history.
We mass produce food, but not well.
The current worlds diet is poisoning them.
The current worlds daily habits and inactivity is killing them.
As a transhumanist, my mission is to live to see the day that my life can be extended as long as I choose.
Congruent with that mission, I choose to live my life in a healthy and sustainable fashion.
Our bodies are constantly evolving.
From this point forward, we will drive our own evolution through technology.
Up until this point, our evolution has been driven by the environment and survival of the fittest.
To survive this transition, we must carefully select and embrace the most sensible aspects of our primal physical bodies, while transitioning into enhancement.
We evolved into these bodies through a Paleolithic diet and an active lifestyle.
We must continue that diet and lifestyle while infusing supplementation based on sensible application of science.
As we understand, learn, and develop the science to truly know our bodies, that diet and those activities must be constantly re-addressed.
No knowledge is accepted until proven by science.
All knowledge can be questioned.
Why.How Is my creed.
Be open to error, and change when needed.
Do not follow convention, follow real science.
Beware of false science, agendas, and ignorance.
There are a lot of people in the world. Question them, don’t let them lead you astray.
Question. Advance. Survive. Evolve.