I Hope You Had the Time of Your Life


To my daughters:

Whatever you do.
Wherever you go
Embrace the unpredictable.
Enjoy the little random curve balls that life throws at you.
This is what makes life worth living
It is not the planned events and adventures. It is the moments in between.
It is the “stuff” that fills in the gaps of your life that you will tell stories about.
You have to work hard and plan and act to make the kind of life that enables you to have these moments.
But it is those random moments that you will treasure.

Talking to a random person on the street.

Running into someone who knows an old friend.

Watching a child explore their world.

Drinking a cold glass of lemonade, sitting in the sun after working hard in the yard while smelling barbeque on the grill and hearing your favorite song on the radio.

Listening to your child play piano, glass of wine in your hand, lover sitting next to you, and looking at a painting in the wall.

You can’t plan these moments, you can only prepare yourself to experience them, and embrace the moment to appreciate them.

These are the times of your life.
These are what life is about.
Be prepared to recognize them.
Enjoy them.
Live them.

The Secret

girls whispering

I’d like to share a secret with you.
Just one thing.
This is the one thing that will make the biggest difference in your fitness.
And your life.
That’s it.
Be Consistent.
Show up.
Do the work.
That’s the difference between being successful and not.
Some days we don’t have 110% to give.
But we still need to show up.
Reduce the scope, but stick to the schedule.
Scale. Row. Work on a goat.
Just stick to the commitment.
Trust the consistency.
Get to the gym.
Eat real food.
This is a commitment to yourself.
This is about the discipline to follow through.
No excuses.
Don’t play the victim of what life throws at you.
Don’t let shit get in your way.
The secret to success.
Inside the gym and out.
Show up.
Do the work.
Then do it again tomorrow.
That’s it.
I never said it would be easy.
But it’s not that hard.

Die Empty

Empty road

Forget about the old adage “You can’t take it with you when you go”
I prefer the phrase “Die Empty”

Those of you who know me, know that I intend to live forever.
That is just one reason I manage what I eat and I bust my ass in the gym.

I refuse to die.
I have too much I want to do, and too many ideas to pursue.
I will not be ready to go until I am empty.
Empty of ideas.
Empty of goals.
Empty of causes.
Empty of drive.
As far as I can see, these are all growing bigger and bigger for me, not smaller and smaller.

Every day I learn a little more.

Which spawns new ideas.

Every day I meet someone new.

Who helps me understand humankind better.
And gives me another cause to care about.

Every day I see a new problem to solve.

And I make a goal to solve it.

How about you?
Do you have more you want to do?
Are you the person you want to be?
Have you seen everything you want to see?

Don’t give up now.
Don’t give up ever.

Try to use it all up, try to die empty.
I’ll bet you find that you can’t.
I’ll wager even more that you will find that you have lived more in the process