Driven; With balance.

Driven; With balance. 

That’s it.  

That’s how I do it. 

People have asked me how I am so successful, and it really is that simple. 

Do you feel what I feel? 

Deep inside of you, is there a fire burning? 

At your core. 

Look inward. 

Find your goals and hopes and dreams. 

They are screaming to get out! 

Did you find it? 

Like the core of the earth.  

A molten, churning, tumultuous, fire that stirs you. 

Can you feel it? 

Does it make your heart race just thinking about it? 

Is that deep, burning, raw energy within you trying to get out? 

Yeah – me too. 

I learned how to tap into it,  

To use it without letting it consume me. 

I found a balance of work and life. 

Love and passion. 

Pain and Pleasure 

Driving and enjoying.  

Busting ass and sitting back. 

Sometimes my fire is a demon.  

Sometimes it is a poet. 

Every time I tap into it – life gets exciting. 

Do you have a fire inside? 

Do you want help using it to get what you want? 

Reach out and we’ll help. 

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for? 

You have not started yet. 

You are waiting for something. 

What is it? 


That thing, the thing you just thought. 

It’s not really what you are waiting for. 

It is a secondary rational that you have given yourself. 

Let’s dig a little deeper. 


What are you waiting for? 


What is stopping you from having the life you want 

Right now? 


It’s ok, I know you are afraid. 

We have all been there. 

Change is scary. 

Change is the unknown. 

Change is exciting. 

Change is beautiful. 


Are you really going to be able to do it this time? 

Maybe you failed the last time. 

And the time before that? 

What makes this time different? 


You are a new person now. 

You are going to join a group of people who are motivated 

They will hold you accountable. 

And you will hold them accountable. 

You will see the joy in helping others succeed while succeeding yourself. 

You will have a team of people helping you reach your goals. 

You can’t fail this time. 

We won’t let you. 


Now, what are you waiting for? 


“Let no act be done without purpose, nor otherwise than according to the perfect principles of art.” -Marcus Aurelius  

Far too often we drift from task to task through our day. 

Laying down at night wondering where the time went. 

As our precious life slips through our fingers. 

This is the time to wake up from the unconscious drift.

Time to stop sleepwalking through the day.

Make each action and each conversation matter.

Live an intentional life.

The Universal Language – Pain

Pain relief sign

Pain is important.
It helps our body communicate with us.
It is temporary.
But sometimes it lingers.
It can be loud.
It can be quiet.
Pain is a language, not a message.
Listen to the message.

Sometimes when we don’t know a language.
Everything sounds the same.
Take the time to learn the language.
The vocabulary and the grammar.
Then slow down and listen.

The message may not be what you think.
When pain speaks to you.
It may be time to stop what you are doing.
It may be time to seek outside assistance.
It may be time to run.
Or it may be time to stay and fight.

Most people react poorly to the message from pain.
It becomes Fight or Flight.
Do you strike out, or do you run away?
Listen to the message of the pain.
The pain may be telling you that you found a new barrier.
A barrier that can be broken down.

Don’t just push through the pain.

Do not just run away from it either.
Open a dialog.
This is how we move around or through the pain.
Then get to what we want.


I went through a period in my life where I did not believe in goals. 

I felt that they left people wishing for something, but never acting. 

I understand better now that this is not a failing of goals. 

It is a failing of the individual. 

If we spend too much time living in the future. 

Dwelling on the goal. 

Wishing and waiting for that “better life” 

Then we don’t put enough focus and energy into actions necessary to reach the goal. 

Build a clear vision of the goal. 

Contrive a plan to get there. 

Structure your life around core principles that guide your daily decisions.  

Then live in the now. 

Apply your energy today. 

Be in the moment. 

The future does not exist. 

Until you build it in this moment.  

Do you have a goal?  

Life is going to happen. 

The difference between winners and losers is who has the discipline to stay the course. 

Your past has developed your principles.  

Those principles drive your actions in the now. 

Those actions now allow you to react and navigate the real world. 

Navigation is what we do in the present moment to find a path to the goal. 

Everything revolves around what you do right here, right now. 

Make a mistake?  

Course correct.  

Don’t look back and dwell – or you will go further off track. 

A series of those little mistake are all filtered out by time. 

As long as you make corrections when they are identified. 

We have to look up and check in on the goal from time to time. 

But we can’t obsess over it.  

If we only watch the horizon chasing the goal 

we will get hung up on the near obstacles.  

Believe in the goal, and know that it will change as you get closer. 

Learn from the past and then leave it behind. 

Discipline in the present. 


Character is the ability to get one’s self to do the difficult things that produce the desired results. In other words, I believe that for the most part, achieving success—whatever that is for you—is mostly a matter of personal choice and that, initially, making the right choices can be difficult. However, because of the law of nature that pushing your boundaries will make you stronger, which will lead to improved results that will motivate you, the more you operate in your “stretch zone,” the more you adapt and the less character it takes to operate 

So, if you don’t let up on yourself, i.e., if you operate with the same level of “pain,” you will naturally evolve at an accelerating pace. Because I believe this, I believe that whether or not I achieve my goals is a test of what I am made of. It is a game that I play, but this game is for real. In the next part I explain how I go about playing it. 

“Character is the ability to get one’s self to do the difficult things that produce the desired results” -Ray Dalio 

We often say that something challenging will “Build Character.” 

Then people roll their eyes. 

What we don’t acknowledge often enough is the feedback loop. 

All things in life have a feedback loop.  

These loops allow continued, accelerated growth. 

They require us to apply energy to keep the loop connected.  

Sometimes there is a chain reaction where that energy comes from within. 

More often than not, the energy must be explicitly applied. 

Applying that energy is hard.  

Applying that energy requires dedication and drive. 

Applying energy requires making a choice, the right choice. 

This is how we reach our goals.  

We choose to do the hard thing.  

The thing that builds character.  

The thing that took character.  

Here is the beauty. 

Making that choice the first time is easy.  

It only takes a little character. 

We are excited and ambitious in the beginning. 

Dedication and Consistency with the application of Character makes us stronger. 

Tomorrow, next week, next month, something will distract us. 

An easier choice is going to come up. 

We will want to take that choice. 

For a first order, instant satisfaction. 

Character will help us make the right choices.  

Character helps us push through.  

As it grows in strength it helps us more. 

Character is what we are made of. 

Achieving our goals is a test of what we are made of.  

We get to each keep growing. 

To achieve greater and greater goals. 


From Principles by Ray Dalio: 

Most people react to pain badly. They have “fight or flight”reactions to it: they either strike out at whatever brought them the pain or they try to run away from it. As a result, they don’t learn to find ways around their barriers, so they encounter them over and over again and make little or no progress toward what they want. 

Pain is important. 

It helps our body communicate with us. 

It is temporary. 

But sometimes it lingers. 

It can be loud. 

It can be quiet. 

Pain is a language, not a message.  

Listen to the message.  

Sometimes when we don’t know a language. 

Everything sounds the same.  

Take the time to learn the language. 

The vocabulary and the grammar. 

Then slow down and listen. 

The message may not be what you think. 

When pain speaks to you.  

It may be time to stop what you are doing. 

It may be time to seek outside assistance. 

It may be time to run.  

Or it may be time to stay and fight. 

Most people react poorly to the message from pain.  

It becomes Fight or Flight. 

Do you strike out, or do you run away? 

Listen to the message of the pain. 

The pain may be telling you that you found a new barrier.  

A barrier that can be broken down. 

Don’t just push through the pain. 

Open a dialog. 




Do not just run away from it. 

This is how we move around or through the pain. 

To get to what we want. 


Some people call me weird. 

I’m not really interested in working on my strengths. 

A long time ago I had a mentor who told me that in my career I could be tall and narrow or short and broad. 

That I could be successful either way. 

My future became immediately clear. 

Jack of all trades, master of none. 

This is used as an insult to many. 

I wear it as a badge of honor. 

Breadth of skill and breadth of knowledge has served me very well in career and life. 

In my last marathon, I finished in the top 1%. 

Then I never ran another marathon. 

I’ll be the first to admit that it was pretty cool. 

Getting treated like the elites.  

Been there, done that. 

I have no need to do any better. 

I want to get better at everything else. 

I found CrossFit. 

Now I can do anything. 

We are built to adapt. 

Most people don’t like to. 

It’s hard to get better at things we suck at. 

But it makes us better overall humans. 

Most people want to only focus on what they are good at. 

They need reassurance 

I get it. 

We all love to stroke our egos. 

It’s hard to let the world see our weaknesses. 

How do you serve your children?

Every parent has been there.  

Sacrificing everything for our kids. 

This is what we were told that good parents do. 

Give up everything to serve. 

Our children are our future. 

Our children deserve our undivided attention.  

Who told us that? 

Where did that come from? 

Is this attitude really serving our children? 

What will they grow up to believe that life is about? 

They are watching you. 

They are learning from you. 

Children are brilliant. 

Children are powerful. 

Children know far more than we give them credit for. 

Children are full of dreams. 

They have more ideas in in an hour than you have all week. 

Most of them cannot be realized in the real world. 

They will figure that part out later. 

But it only takes one. 

One amazing idea, and a dream. 

Are you teaching them how to follow those dreams? 

When they watch you, are they learning how to succeed? 

Or are they learning something else? 

Are they learning that being an adult means giving up on themselves? 

Are they learning that being an adult means being tired and grumpy? 

Don’t let your children be your excuse.  

They are watching you. 

Let your children be your inspiration for greatness. 

They are watching you. 

They are watching you work hard to build the future. 

They are watching you rebuild your body. 

They are watching you take the time to eat healthy. 

There are many ways to serve. 

Serve by setting an example. 

They are watching you.

Don’t make your children your excuse for mediocrity. Make them your inspiration for greatness. 

Inspired from <>  

Your Highest Priority

Priorities can be a funny thing 

They can help serve as guiding principles in our lives. Or they can cripple us and direct decisions the wrong way. 

We can get paralyzed when things don’t fit nicely within the priorities that we have defined.  

We get hung up on which choice to take right now, and so we do nothing, or we take the easier choice and claim it is priority.  

The problem is that there are multiple parallel threads in our lives that are competing for our thoughts, our time, and our emotions.  

We simplify our decisions by holding firmly to one thread.  

Far too often at the expense of another.  

Remember, that you have a life, and a body, and a mind. 

You have to take care of all of them. 

Your life is your family, friends, job, charities, hobbies. 

Your mind is your inner self, your spirit, your soul, your experience of now. 

Your body is your physical being, your heart, muscles, bones, and tendons.  

These are all weaved together to create who you are. 

Are any of your threads coming unraveled? 

Have you neglected any of them for too long? 

Priority #1 is taking care of yourself. 

Otherwise you will fail at everything else. 

Priority #1 is keeping the fabric of your existence strong and tightly knit. 

Take some time today to look at your life.  

Are you taking care of yourself? 

If you let your body go, your mind will follow. 

How much more could you accomplish if you felt better? 

How much more could you do if you had more energy? 

Take an hour today to get to the gym.  

Take 15 minutes tomorrow to do some yoga at home before work. 

Take care of your body. 

Strengthen your fabric.