Lead page

I give you my raw red center. 

This is my heart and soul. 

These are my angels and my demons. 

They are my ideas and my memories. 

Do with them what you will.  

I cast visions for the future. 

I opine on the past. 

I attempt to inspire. 

I lead by serving. 

I share my failures. 

I am an Engineer by trade, 

An Architect by choice.  

I talk about Love and Fitness 

Nutrition and Finance 

Managing and Drinking 

Children and Wives 

Philosophy and Technology 

I am an Architect.  

Leave me comments, I’d love to know your thoughts. 

Positive and Negative. Feedback is a gift.  

Die Empty

Empty road

Forget about the old adage “You can’t take it with you when you go”
I prefer the phrase “Die Empty”

Those of you who know me, know that I intend to live forever.
That is just one reason I manage what I eat and I bust my ass in the gym.

I refuse to die.
I have too much I want to do, and too many ideas to pursue.
I will not be ready to go until I am empty.
Empty of ideas.
Empty of goals.
Empty of causes.
Empty of drive.
As far as I can see, these are all growing bigger and bigger for me, not smaller and smaller.

Every day I learn a little more.

Which spawns new ideas.

Every day I meet someone new.

Who helps me understand humankind better.
And gives me another cause to care about.

Every day I see a new problem to solve.

And I make a goal to solve it.

How about you?
Do you have more you want to do?
Are you the person you want to be?
Have you seen everything you want to see?

Don’t give up now.
Don’t give up ever.

Try to use it all up, try to die empty.
I’ll bet you find that you can’t.
I’ll wager even more that you will find that you have lived more in the process

Psychological and Physiological Fitness


Our culture has shifted into a world where more people are considered “Knowledge Workers” than “Laborers”

Many of us don’t use our bodies for our work anymore.
We are thinkers and talkers and writers and planners.
Unfortunately, this has led to an abandonment of balance.
You are more than your brain.

I see people that are treating their body as a tool for nothing more than transporting their brain from place to place.
This makes me sad.
I am sad because of the lost opportunity for efficacy.
I am sad because they will not live and contribute as long as they could have.

We don’t all need to be competitive athletes.
We just need to understand that our bodies and our brains are linked.
Our brains differentiate us from other animals.
But still…
Our brain needs nutrition to operate.
Our brain is affected by hormones.
Our brain thrives when our bodies are active.

If you are a knowledge worker and value your mind.
Take care of it!
Work your body and improve your brain.
Each needs the other more than we realize.

What is holding you back?

Holding you back

What are you waiting for?
You haven’t started yet.
You’re waiting for something.
What is it?

That thing, the thing you just thought.
It’s not really what you are waiting for.
It is a secondary rationale that you have given yourself.
Let’s dig a little deeper.

What are you waiting for?

What is stopping you from having the life you want
Right now?

It’s ok, I know you are afraid.
We have all been there.
Change is scary.
Change is the unknown.
Change is exciting.
Change is beautiful.

Are you really going to be able to do it this time?
Maybe you failed the last time.
And the time before that?
What makes this time different?
You are a new person today.
You are going to join a group of people who are motivated
They will hold you accountable.
And you will hold them accountable.
You will see the joy in helping others succeed while succeeding yourself.
You will have a team of people helping you reach your goals.
You can’t fail this time.
We won’t let you.

Now, what are you waiting for?

The Truth Within a Goal


I went through a period in my life where I did not believe in goals.

I felt that they left people wishing for something, but never acting.

I understand better now that this is not a failing of goals.

It is a failing of the individual.

If we spend too much time living in the future.

Dwelling on the goal.

Wishing and waiting for that “better life”

Then we don’t put enough focus and energy into actions necessary to reach the goal.

Build a clear vision of the goal.

Contrive a plan to get there.

Structure your life around core principles that guide your daily decisions.

Then live in the now.

Apply your energy today.

Be in the moment.

The future does not exist.

Until you build it in this moment.

Do you have a goal?

Life is going to happen.

The difference between winners and losers is who has the discipline to stay the course.

Your past has developed your principles.

Those principles drive your actions in the now.

Those actions now allow you to react and navigate the real world.

Navigation is what we do in the present moment to find a path to the goal.

Everything revolves around what you do right here, right now.

Make a mistake?

Course correct.

Don’t look back and dwell – or you will go further off track.

A series of those little mistake are all filtered out by time.

As long as you make corrections when they are identified.

We have to look up and check in on the goal from time to time.

But we can’t obsess over it.

If we only watch the horizon chasing the goal

we will get hung up on the near obstacles.

Believe in the goal, and know that it will change as you get closer.

Learn from the past and then leave it behind.

Discipline in the present.

What is your goal?

They Are Watching You


Every parent has been there.
Sacrificing everything for our kids.
This is what we were told that good parents do.
Give up everything to serve.
Our children are our future.
Our children deserve our undivided attention.

Who told us that?
Where did that come from?
Is this attitude really serving our children?
What will they grow up to believe that life is about?

They are watching you.
They are learning from you.
Children are brilliant.
Children are powerful.
Children know far more than we give them credit for.
Children are full of dreams.

They have more ideas in in an hour than you have all week.
Most of them cannot be realized in the real world.
They will figure that part out later.
But it only takes one.
One amazing idea, and a dream.

Are you teaching them how to follow those dreams?
When they watch you, are they learning how to succeed?
Or are they learning something else?
Are they learning that being an adult means giving up on themselves?
Are they learning that being an adult means being tired and grumpy?

Don’t let your children be your excuse.
Let your children be your inspiration for greatness.
They are watching you.
They are watching you work hard to build the future.
They are watching you rebuild your body.
They are watching you take the time to eat healthy.

There are many ways to serve.
Serve by setting an example.
They are watching you.

Stealing love

Sometimes I feel like we are stealing from our children. 

When I was a teenager, I thought I was in love.  

Many, Many times.  

It was how we learned. 

I was also depressed.  

Deeply, deeply depressed.  

For no real reason.  

But I pushed through it all. 

I don’t even remember now why, or how. 

We have sheltered our children too much.  

That first love is an amazing thing.  

It is a confusing and fleeting thing. 

But it is powerful. 

It teaches us. 

Who we are, and who other people are.  

I can still feel the fire of every love I have had. 

I want my daughters to feel the power of that feeling. 

The elation. 

The pure joy where light seems to shine from our eyes. 

The racing heart rate. 

The inability to think or even breath. 

But then comes the pain. 

It always comes at some point. 

It always will.  

It crushes our soul. 

Feels like a boulder on our chest preventing our heart from beating.  

The world goes dark and we lose faith in ourselves. 

Then one day we wake up. 

And the sun has come back up. 

We have a cup of coffee that tastes good again. 

There is a rabbit twitching it’s tail in the back yard  

Maybe the world did not end.  

Maybe we are still a good person. 

Maybe we are going to be ok. 

To my dear daughters.  

I wish you love. 

And God forgive me. 

I wish you loss.  

It is the only way that you will learn life’s hard lessons. 

That you are strong,  

and you will survive anything.  

Come see your papa when it happens. 

I will hold you tight. 

And say I am sorry. 


Like a warrior charging bare chested into battle, 

We face the world with the strength of knowing that we do not need to hide our weakness. 

I am not afraid.  

My weaknesses have been bared for the world to see.  

They are clearly exposed so that the world will need to attack them head on if they want to exploit them. 

They are not hidden out of my sight, for me to forget, and my enemy to slyly target. 

Bring it world! My soft underbelly is exposed and I am not afraid! 

My crucible

We all have events that make us who we are, but they don’t have to be life and death experiences. It’s what we take from them that lets us grow.

When my daughter was very young, she came home from school with a picture she had drawn.
She told me that the assignment was to draw their favorite thing to do.
Excited; I asked her what she drew.
She looked at me with the sweetest little eyes and told me that her favorite thing to do was to spend time with Dad.
At this point, my eyes began to sweat just a little.
I asked her if I could see the picture.
As soon as I saw it, my heart was ripped from my chest, and everything I thought I was as a father was crushed in a moment.
The world swooned and I had to sit down.
In the picture was an adorable small red headed girl sitting on the couch, watching TV; while her dad sat next to her on the couch – with his laptop.

There is nothing like truth from a child to slap you awake. I trend towards over working. Far too much to be a good father. I did not know how to separate the different parts of my life, but I made a change that day.

Whenever I drift too far towards my obsession with work for too long. I remember that picture and I sit down and give those that I love my undivided attention in the moment.

When I was in high school cross country I had a nagging stress fracture in my right foot. During a home school race one afternoon we had a ravine just 200 meters into the race. I leapt from one side and landed on the other side with my right foot and felt the bone snap like a dry twig. Pain shot up my leg and my vision flashed white for a moment. The adrenaline that course through a young man’s veins at the beginning of a competition is amazing. As humans, we have evolved to fight, to survive, to continue at all costs and deal with small problems later. My memoentum carying me forward, there was no stopping. By the time my other foot hit the ground, the endorphines had kicked in and begun to numb the pain. I ran on. These were 5k races, and I had most of the race ahead of me. I had been raised to never quit. The pain of quiting the race would have hurt more that thepain in my foot. In time, I settled into a gait that allowed me to run with minor sharp pain. IT was only those downhill, sharp right turns, where I had to pivot on my broken foot that made me grimace in pain. As I felt the bones grinding together in my foot, I know it was a bad idea to keep moving. But I did not know how to stop. I finished the race in a much lower position than my normal race, and one of my teammates made a snide comment so I flipped him off. My coach tore into me for my bad sportsmanship and I looked him in the eye and told him my foot was broken. His face went white, and he sent me to see if the school physical therapists where still there. As I drove home that night, learning how to drive with a broken foot, the pain of knowing that I was out for the season throbbed more than my foot. Pain is easily controlled. How we deal and adapt defines how we deal with the world around us. In an instant, things change, and we move on. Stopping is not an option. The world keeps spinning, and the race continues. We may be slowed down, but with the right attitude we can come back stronger than we started and learn something about ourselves. Once we know that we can continue through anything, we have the confidence to start down paths that feel perilous.  

Architecture Pattern Language

Inspired by “A Pattern Language” by … and Principles by Ray Dalio 

There are patterns at lead to all Architecture.  

Architecture in nature, and by man.  

When we build homes and cities, there are patterns that we follow to lead to comfortable flow states for people in those environments.  

There are very similar pattern rules that apply in computer Architecture 

Spaces are not defined in the same ways, but flows of electrons are very similar to humans.  

We all need access and freedom. 

Allow open direct communications when possible.  

  • Point to point streaming when no one else needs the data, and when it does not need to be stored long term 
  • Secure the connection, not the transaction 
  • Notify the receiver only when you have sent enough information for them to act 

Focus on your task at hand 

  • Fine grain task swapping only when the grains are large 
  • Build dedicated task blocks whenever you can.  
    • This is more often than you will first think 
    • But not all the time 
    • Make them small and efficient, but worth sending data to 

Know your neighbors 

  • If you are not often communicating with a neighbor, you should not physically be close to them 
  • Plan for the flow of information through the system 

Speak the same language 

  • Define a programming model and stick with it 
  • Discipline here will save your SW team and yourself time later  

Avoid Technical Debt 

  • Putting off decisions or short sighted Architecture leads to Technical Debt where things will cost more later than they will cost now. 

Don’t be afraid to move forward 

  • Mistakes are natural and we will learn from them all  
  • If you are unsure, and the cost function of being wrong will delay the program more than the resource cost of dual path, then build both paths. Do the analysis.  
  • Have a decision process, stick to it, document it, then move on. 
  • Do not re-open old decisions unless there is new information, new opinions and new people do not count. 
  • You don’t have to wait for a decision to move forward, if there is not enough information yet, then identify the work that needs to be done and track it. 

Know your stakeholders 

  • They may be different for each part of the Architecture 
  • Involve them in the process 
  • Get their signoff at each stage review 

Chaos and uncertainty is our world. Embrace it and thrive in it, or find a more suitable role. 

  • Not everyone is happy in this world, and that is ok, we need all people contributing where they fit. 
  • An Architect adds energy to the system to reduce Entropy, she does not fight the way of things. 

Invent solutions based on other disciplines.  

  • One day, the Matryoshka doll will be your inspiration, another it will be the tides.  
  • Architects are learning all the time to expand their breadth 

Engage the other disciplines 

  • Architects are the hub of the wheel, and must reach out and engage all disciplines 
  • Architects Talk, and talk a lot, to everyone.  
  • Communicate through spoken and written word.  

Never first accept the old way 

  • Make a conscious choice every time, for everything.  
  • It may be quick and informed, but never complacent.  
  • Every new problem needs to be addressed in it’s own way. 

Plan the town 

  • A town needs variety, but it needs agreed upon rules 
  • Each IP must have constraints, but be given freedom to perform it’s job. 
  • Compromises will be made, it is the higher level Architect’s job to understand and make constraints that guide these compromises.  
  • Do not leave this to the designer, they have too much on their plate already. 

Architects build constraints that bring shape to the world, Designers work within constraints to build beautiful final results.