They Are Watching You


Every parent has been there.
Sacrificing everything for our kids.
This is what we were told that good parents do.
Give up everything to serve.
Our children are our future.
Our children deserve our undivided attention.

Who told us that?
Where did that come from?
Is this attitude really serving our children?
What will they grow up to believe that life is about?

They are watching you.
They are learning from you.
Children are brilliant.
Children are powerful.
Children know far more than we give them credit for.
Children are full of dreams.

They have more ideas in in an hour than you have all week.
Most of them cannot be realized in the real world.
They will figure that part out later.
But it only takes one.
One amazing idea, and a dream.

Are you teaching them how to follow those dreams?
When they watch you, are they learning how to succeed?
Or are they learning something else?
Are they learning that being an adult means giving up on themselves?
Are they learning that being an adult means being tired and grumpy?

Don’t let your children be your excuse.
Let your children be your inspiration for greatness.
They are watching you.
They are watching you work hard to build the future.
They are watching you rebuild your body.
They are watching you take the time to eat healthy.

There are many ways to serve.
Serve by setting an example.
They are watching you.

The Highest Priority

Priorit exclamation

Priorities can be a funny thing

They can help serve as guiding principles in our lives. Or they can cripple us and direct decisions the wrong way.

We can get paralyzed when things don’t fit nicely within the priorities that we have defined.

We get hung up on which choice to take right now, and so we do nothing, or we take the easier choice and claim it is a priority.

The problem is that there are multiple parallel threads in our lives that are competing for our thoughts, our time, and our emotions.

We simplify our decisions by holding firmly to one thread.

Far too often at the expense of another.

Remember, that you have a life, and a body, and a mind.

You have to take care of all of them.

Your life is your family, friends, job, charities, hobbies.

Your mind is your inner self, your spirit, your soul, your experience of now.

Your body is your physical being, your heart, muscles, bones, and tendons.

These are all weaved together to create who you are.

Are any of your threads coming unraveled?

Have you neglected any of them for too long?

Priority #1 is taking care of yourself.

Otherwise, you will fail at everything else.

Priority #1 is keeping the fabric of your existence strong and tightly knit.

Take some time today to look at your life.

Are you taking care of yourself?

If you let your body go, your mind will follow.

How much more could you accomplish if you felt better?

How much more could you do if you had more energy?

Take an hour today to get to the gym.

Take 15 minutes tomorrow to do some yoga at home before work.

Take care of your body.

Strengthen your fabric.