Sappy Stuff

young love

I’ll occasionally share some sappy crap, but I’ll try to keep it to Saturday mornings.

Here is something from a few years ago…

When I was 17 I was head over heels in love.

All the adults around me told me that I was not old enough or mature enough to feel love.

I thought I was the one young person who knew better.

Neither of us was right.

I was in love, there is no doubt.

What we sometimes fail to admit is that love is not a quantifiable thing. Nor can it be contained.

Why have so many writers and poets struggled to describe it? Because no one can.

It grows and changes and evolves in each of us.

When I was 17 I knew how to feel love, but I did not have the maturity and capacity to understand it and manage it.

I am 40 now.

I have more capacity for love than I had at 17. I have more capacity for love than I had at 30.

There is not some magic age at which we finally understand love.

As we grow and learn, our capacity to love increases.

To my children:


Love with all you have.

Let that love go when it does not align with your life goals.

Feel the pain and grow from it.

Then love again.

Let that love grow, and know that what you feel now will grow into something larger.

The Universal Language – Pain

Pain relief sign

Pain is important.
It helps our body communicate with us.
It is temporary.
But sometimes it lingers.
It can be loud.
It can be quiet.
Pain is a language, not a message.
Listen to the message.

Sometimes when we don’t know a language.
Everything sounds the same.
Take the time to learn the language.
The vocabulary and the grammar.
Then slow down and listen.

The message may not be what you think.
When pain speaks to you.
It may be time to stop what you are doing.
It may be time to seek outside assistance.
It may be time to run.
Or it may be time to stay and fight.

Most people react poorly to the message from pain.
It becomes Fight or Flight.
Do you strike out, or do you run away?
Listen to the message of the pain.
The pain may be telling you that you found a new barrier.
A barrier that can be broken down.

Don’t just push through the pain.

Do not just run away from it either.
Open a dialog.
This is how we move around or through the pain.
Then get to what we want.

What Am I?

What Am I?
I call myself a Primal Transhumanist.
What do I believe?
I believe the following core tenants, and will expound on them over time.
We will have the technology in my lifetime to extend human life indefinitely.
By staying alive long enough to reap the benefits of this technology, I will live forever.
We have many amazing technologies now.
We are advancing technology at an exponential rate.
We will look back in 20 years and be amazed at how primitive we were now.
We do not fully understand the interrelationships between our body’s internal systems. The external world, and our diet.
We are at a transition point in mankind’s history.
We mass produce food, but not well.
The current worlds diet is poisoning them.
The current worlds daily habits and inactivity is killing them.
As a transhumanist, my mission is to live to see the day that my life can be extended as long as I choose.
Congruent with that mission, I choose to live my life in a healthy and sustainable fashion.
Our bodies are constantly evolving.
From this point forward, we will drive our own evolution through technology.
Up until this point, our evolution has been driven by the environment and survival of the fittest.
To survive this transition, we must carefully select and embrace the most sensible aspects of our primal physical bodies, while transitioning into enhancement.
We evolved into these bodies through a Paleolithic diet and an active lifestyle.
We must continue that diet and lifestyle while infusing supplementation based on sensible application of science.
As we understand, learn, and develop the science to truly know our bodies, that diet and those activities must be constantly re-addressed.
No knowledge is accepted until proven by science.
All knowledge can be questioned.
Why.How Is my creed.
Be open to error, and change when needed.
Do not follow convention, follow real science.
Beware of false science, agendas, and ignorance.
There are a lot of people in the world. Question them, don’t let them lead you astray.
Question. Advance. Survive. Evolve.