Take the Job.

You are in a hurry. 

I get it. 

You don’t want to waste your life away as a slave to someone else. 

You have Big Ideas. 

You have Big Plans. 

You have Ambition. 

Are you making progress every day towards those plans? 

What did you do today to move the ball forward? 

If you are making progress, keep at it.  

Keep pushing, keep driving. 

If you are stuck. 

If you are hitting roadblocks.  

If you don’t know where to start.  

It may be time to ask yourself a hard questions.  

Do you have the tools to start building your dream? 

Is it still just a dream and not a plan? 

Have you put in the time to learn? 

Impatience is a great thing when it drives you to act. 

Impatience will destroy you if it prevents you from preparing. 

There is always more to learn. 

There will always me more time. 

We have a long time on this planet. 

Sometimes we have to put in the time. 

Learning from other people who have gone before. 

Learning how things are done elsewhere. 

Learning how NOT to do things. 

Don’t be afraid of the shit jobs. 

Don’t be afraid of having a boss. 

Don’t be afraid of getting trapped there. 

If you are here reading this, then you do not have that personality. 

Some people get comfortable in those roles.  

That is not you. 

You can get in, learn, then get out. 

Maybe you will stay longer than you think because you can do more there than you thought. 

Or maybe it will be a great place to identify all the traps that you don’t want to fall into. 

You are a learner. 

You are determined. 

You are preparing. 

Experience and Knowledge are never a waste of time. 

It’s ok to take that shit job. 

It is actually recommended.