I wanted to quit

Winter of 2011.  


It was cold and dark, I was sore and frustrated. 

I wanted to quit. 

After a year of CrossFit, I still sucked.  

Usually things came pretty easy to me.  

I had convinced myself that I was in good shape, a decent athlete for a guy in his late 30’s. 

Then I found CrossFit. 

And CrossFit humbled me.  

I was originally determined to improve. 

I had no idea how far I had to go. 

It is tough to maintain that determination long term. 

I had the worst overhead squat in the entire gym. 

My snatch looked like a bronc trying to buck his rider. 

My pull-ups looked like a drunk orangutan swinging from an electric fence.  

I was a mess.  

I wanted to quit. 

Why was I doing this to myself. 

I should go back to running – I was good at that. 

Laura inspired me to stay.  

All she had to do was look me in the eyes and ask me if I was going to quit.  

That made it real instead of in my head. 

Would I admit to her that I can’t do this? 

Would I let my daughters see that I don’t have the determination to improve? 

Nope, that would hurt more than Helen ever does. 

That would set the tone for my future.  

I don’t quit. 

I turned that corner and never looked back.  

CrossFit became a representation of my life, my spirit. 

I don’t quit.  


Three months later. 

More than a year of CrossFit training. 

I finally did Nancy with women’s Rx weights.  

Five rounds for time of: 

400 meter run 

65 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps 

We did Nancy again last week.  

As I rep’d out the men’s Rx 95 pound OH squats, the memories of my first year flooded back. 

I still fight for that overhead position. 

But when I really work at it – I can get it now. 

This is a journey.  

For some of us it is a long journey. 

Stay on the path.  

Trust your coaches. 

There is a lot to learn.  

About the workouts, and about yourself.  

Keep an open mind. 

It’s ok to want to quit.  

It is not ok to actually quit.  

Use that moment to look inside and decide what you want to be made of.  

That is when you CHOOSE what you will be made of. 

Choose to start. 

Choose to stay. 

Or Choose to quit. 

But admit that you Chose.