Negative and Positive

My snatch is terrible. My snatch is getting better. 

My snatch problem: I am slow getting under the bar, and I have terrible shoulder mobility.  

These are fixable, and I am working on them, but I have not made very much progress. It’s time to stop talking about what is wrong, and time to start talking about what I am doing to fix it. 

I am making a mental shift.  

When people ask why I am doing a certain drill. My response is not that it is “Because I am slow” it will be “This is making me faster under the bar.” 

When you ask me why I am inflicting pain on myself with a lacrosse ball; my response will not be “Because I have terrible shoulder mobility,” it will be “This is how I get my arms straight overhead.” 

I have long since removed these kind of negative statements everywhere else in my life. Why would I be using them at the gym? This is a place that is such a large part of my life, and a place where I have a huge support group helping me get better. 

My request to my gym family: If you catch me making those two negative statements – punch me straight in the gut – that’ll teach me.