
Sometimes I feel like I can never truly relax because I am always striving for more – never satisfied. 

I see people who are happy with the status quo, and drift through life.  

While that attitude appears relaxing from the outside, I know it would make me itch to do more and be more. 

I think I would be well served to sometimes sit back and relax and enjoy what I have … I can do this when I am relaxing with my wife. That is the one place where I feel the most complete and relaxed. Is that because it is the one place I feel that I am good enough, that she does not need anything more than what I already am? 

I think striking a balance here is imperative. When we relax, we get complacent. When we strive too hard all the time, we damage our physical and mental health. 

Take time each day to improve. Ask yourself at the end of the day: 

What did I do today to get me closer to my goals? 

What did I learn? 

What did I accomplish? 

When did I take a breath and smile? 

Who did I embrace? 

When did I laugh? 

How did I make myself physically stronger? 

What longstanding belief did I challenge? 

The list could go on and on. Make sure that you can answer some of them. Commit to doing more tomorrow.