Carry on Engineers

I have spent 25 years building silicon. I’ve built every IP, and I’ve built every kind of chip. I’ve learned how to build them bigger and faster, smaller and cheaper. I’ve learned how to optimize for one application or another. In the end, the physical product is just a beautifully polished piece of sand … how that chip is used, is what changes the world.

What excites me; is how we can impact a human, by simply manipulating electrons. That is a God-like power.

I have loved yesterday’s products, I am impressed by today’s products, and I can’t wait for tomorrow’s products.

Ultimately I am driven by how we can work together as humans, to keep inventing better ways to shuffle fewer and fewer electrons around to do more and more magical things.

The potential is still beyond the horizon. As we push the limits, we keep finding that they are not limits after all; there is still more we can do. Our job will never be done; our customers will always want more; and our job is to invent a way to give it to them.

Carry on Engineers – you are changing the world for the better.