A New Renaissance

It is time for a New Renaissance. 

We are near the apex of uncertainty, and the world is transforming. 

People are increasingly worried about the impact they will have on the world. 

We worry about the value we can add to the world. 

We may want to contribute to other people,  

Or to the community 

Or to the world 

Some people want to help other people 

They just want to improve someone’s life 

Some people are builders 

They have to build something, have something to show for their work 

Some people are artists 

They are driven to express the beauty, or pain, within. 

We all have one thing in common 

We are searching for connection to each other 

In the New Renaissance the world has become more and more efficient around us 

Humans can not continue to do things the way they always did 

We need to do more with less, and we need to think differently 

Fortunately, we are also in a world where anything is possible 

If we replace fear with excitement  

Replace angst with drive 

Replace competition with collaboration  

We think of “The Renaissance Man” as the person who does it all. 

He could hunt an elk in the morning to feed his family. 

Write a sonnet before breakfast which draws the ache form our heart. 

Build a barn for his neighbor that is strong and safe. 

Paint a landscape that inspires us to dream. 

Invent a more efficient way to sow the grain in his field. 

Teach his children by the fire 

Gently bed his wife before she sleeps. 

The world then changed. 

People hyper-specialized to add value because it was the only way. 

Eventually, we needed people to act as automatons  

They each followed a single set of pre-programmed instructions 

Complete a set of tasks, over and over. 

It started as physical labor. 

Building our physical world more efficiently. 

Hauling materials. 

Sewing, bolting, polishing. 

Then transitioned into knowledge workers. 

Building our virtual world more efficiently. 

Organizing data. 

Coding, calculating, sharing. 

We are on the cusp of a new age that many people fear. 

We don’t need all the old jobs anymore. 

This create anxiety if we don’t look at the opportunities  

If we are stuck in the last century of human activity, then this looks like a dark time. 

This is not our way. 

Humans don’t get stuck.  

Humans adapt. 

Humans adopt. 

Humans take advantage of opportunities.  

That is what got us here, and that is what will take us into the future. 

We learn from the past and we build the future.  

We optimize for our needs. 

We need to feel that we have added value. 

We need to connect to other people. 

We have a unique opportunity ahead of us now to do this at a higher level than ever before. 

This blog is for those who are ready to grab the opportunity and thrive. 

Take your fear and convert it into excitement. 

Find your drive and create your mission. 

You don’t have to polish one skill, you have the power within you to do so much more. 

Be the Renaissance  

Start with today, and do more every day.