It Won’t Happen to Me

We have all been there. 

“My story will be different.” 

Those other people’s stories don’t apply. 

“It won’t happen to me!” 

I said that. 

I was wrong. 

It happened to me. 

All the other gym owners said they started losing their fitness.  

They started gaining weight. 

They spend more time in the gym. 

But less time working out. 

I used to go in early to get my extra back squats in.  

Now I go in early and put stuff away. 

Or fold towels. 

Or fix a billing problem. 

Or take a phone call. 

Or clean up the plates.  


Now my back squat has suffered. 

And my abs are hiding … 

I need this challenge just as much as you do. 

I am here to help you, and you can help me. 

Let’s do this together. 

I am getting dunked today.  

Now I have a number. 

Now I have a goal. 

Let’s do this! 

Hold me accountable and I will hold you accountable. 

No cheating and no lying to ourselves or each other.  

The past no longer matters.  

Where are we going from here? 

I know where I am going – do you? 

I’ll be there right beside you.