Scaling the open

The CrossFit Open is for YOU. 

A lot of people are intimidated by the workouts they see the big dogs doing in the CrossFit Games.  

These people are super-human and doing crazy hard stuff. 

That is not the CrossFit Open. 

Remember before you started CrossFit? 

How you thought CrossFit was beyond your reach? 

The workouts and the people were scary? 

Now that you are here you know better.  

Now that you are part of the CFB community you see that CrossFit if for Everyone. 

The CrossFit Open is for Everyone too! 

We don’t care if you don’t sign up officially at HQ, or just intramurals.  

We don’t care if you miss an Open event or two because you are going to Jamaica on spring break. 

Though I do care if you are going to Jamaica – we just ran out of Jerk sauce, can you pick me up some? 

We don’t care if you choose a different weight for the WOD 

If you are not officially entering scores, the weights don’t matter. 

Scale the workouts, most people do. 

From a WOD perspective, you can treat this like any other WOD, that’s all it is. 

There is a difference though. 

The Open is our biggest community event of the year. 

We get together. 

We workout. 

We support each other. 

We celebrate each other’s achievements.  

We sweat together. 

We laugh together. 

We cry together.  

Pretty much just like every other WOD 

Just all together on one day 

We all get more out of it because we are all together at one time – which is an amazing opportunity. 

Morning and Evening people meet and mingle. 

Spend time chatting with people you are usually too busy grunting to talk with. 

Drink some coffee, meet our awesome PT friends, try some SFH products, learn a new trick. 

Then scream until you are hoarse 

Cheer on that person doing their first open who just got their first toe to bar.  

Feel the excitement of knowing that your heat is up next and this is your chance to get yours. 

Know the feeling of adrenaline coursing through your veins when you discover that you really do have it in you! 

Finish your workout and high five fifty people to celebrate being done. 

Slam your protein shake. 

Sit against the wall. 


Soak up the energy of the room. 

This is your community. 

This is why we are here. 

All of it.  

Everything that defines CrossFit, in one room, on one morning, with the people who share your love. 

Then we fire up the grill, pop some tops, and complain about how much that sucked. 

With huge smiles on our faces. 

Sign up on the whiteboard at the gym. 

And remember – Team Tini has beer and bacon