Living Organization

It has been one year since we took over as custodians of CFB. 

Out of all the things that I have learned. 

The most clear is that this Community is a Living Organization 

Just like each of its individuals. 

We don’t control it. 

We guide it and nurture it. 

It will continue to grow and change as long as we feed it.  

Members join, members move away.  

The Members point us where they need to go 

We follow and serve. 

The Community will always survive and the community will always thrive 

As long as we nurture those who contribute to it.  

Everyone here is on a journey. 

Each journey is a little different. 

Each is fascinating and exhilarating. 

Where do you want to go? 

Are you making progress to get there? 

Are you helping others on their journey? 

The greatest stories come from those who have struggled, and helped others in the process. 

Share this message with a friend who is struggling to find their way. 

You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. 

-Zig Ziglar