I am wrong a lot

In baseball, batting .300 is considered very respectable.  

That is a pretty good target for the rest of our life too. 

I make  a lot of decisions every day. I joke with my manager that my business commitment goals are to “Bat .300” 

I am really only partly joking. I have found that some people get so worked up and concerned about being right that they never make any decisions and never move forward. 

If I am 100% right 30% of the time then we will at least always be going in the right direction because I will be mostly right, most of the rest of the time. Clearly this involves a weighting factor to make sure that one wrong decision can’t be a terminal set back.  

The key is to make decisions, commit, and move forward. 

I have no fear of being wrong, I will admit when I am wrong – every time, to any person. I long to be proved wrong because it helps me grow. 

Are you afraid of making decisions? What are you afraid of? Someone yelling at you? Looking stupid? 

Are these detractors really as negative as you imagine them to be? 

The key here is confidence in your ability. If you know that you will be right most of the time, and confident that you can deal with any problems that arise if you are wrong, then you will find the ability to make the decision and move on. 

If you had to choose between being the person who never accomplishes anything or the person who achieves amazing feats while owning and solving problems that come up … which person would you imagine is more successful? 

Don’t get caught in paralysis of analysis. Believe in yourself.  

Unless you are a dumbass – then please don’t act, go watch TV – the rest of us have this covered.