Stress and Anxiety

There is a great TED talk by Kelly McGonigal about recent research showing that our outlook on stress has a large influence on if that stress impacts our health.  

It has long been shown that there is good stress and bad stress. Good stress causes us to build resilience and grow, while bad stress causes anxiety and health deterioration.  

The way I interpret this TED talk is drawing out the flaws in the old research where they have drawn reverse correlations. We were built for stress, what we were not built for is the anxiety that comes from letting that stress impact our perception of the world.  

Stress is natural, it is our body’s way of reacting to extensive external stimulus. When we get overly dramatic about the impact of that stimulus and situational circumstance then we get anxious. That anxiety is dangerous to your health and your longevity.  

Would Grok have worried about how his boss will respond to him handing in a report late?  

Get over yourself and quit creating drama and anxiety. Live a longer healthier life by taking a longer term view of these little events instead of letting them cause you anxiety.