What do you offer?

What do you offer that cannot be replaced by a machine? 

Spend some time today looking at your contribution to society. 

Are you creating value to the world or to other people? 

Are you willing to adapt? Your job will not be the same in 20 years. What are you doing to advance yourself? 

In the beginning of the industrial revolution, fears abound that massive unemployment would follow as man was slowly replaced by machines for manufacturing and farming. 

One hundred years later we have the same fear growing that man will be replaced by a new kind of smart machines.  

Just because we don’t know what comes next does not mean that it is the demise of our race. It may be the demise of our current way of life, but humans are amazingly adept at adapting. 

Soon, there will come a time when we each must decide how we want to pave our way into this new world. 

One hundred years ago people would have been scared to death of climbing inside and driving a car 70 mph down an interstate surrounded by other death machines.  

Are you afraid of accelerating your mind? 

We have become accustomed to using external machines to advance our personal abilities of transportation, manufacturing, interacting, and thinking. 

Would it really be that strange to advance your personal abilities with internal enhancements? 

If you could be twice as smart as you are now – what problems could you solve?  

Would you really want to spend time solving the same kind of problems you solve today?  

It is time to let go of the fear that we will be replaced, and embrace liberation from our current limitations. 

You will have to grow and advance, or you will be left behind. 

It is time to evolve, or choose to stay behind.