“May you live in interesting times,”

“May you live in interesting times,” has been a toast offered to good friends for hundreds of years. However, never have times been more interesting than now. 

Some days my mind reels at the possibilities ahead of us. There is so much going on, and so many incredible futures that could spawn off from where we are that I get a little ADD thinking about them. I have to intentionally focus in one area each day to contain my ideas. 

These certainly are interesting times. We have technology exploding in all directions. We have societies developing at astonishing rates. We have incredibly brilliant people working on ridiculously hard problems with the assistance of tools and information that was unfathomable 10 years ago.  

The exponential growth of technology will soon keep my mind and body young through enhancements and resistance or reversals to the natural causes of aging. I also find that I don’t have to wait, I feel younger each day that I allow myself to dream about the possibilities. I come up with more inventions each day than I could have considered in a week as a younger man. This is partially due to more experience in more areas – but also due to the rapidly expanding possibilities that I see all around me, inspiring me to reach further. 

Look around you, feel the vibe of the people and the technology. There will be unrest, and there will be growth. Some people fear what is coming. Those who find it fascinating and are inspired by the change will ride the wave through. It will take a strong mind, and there are likely to be situations that require a strong body. In interesting times we must be prepared for anything that comes our way. Prepare your body and your mind for what is around the next corner, we will be there sooner than you may think.