Corrupted Youth

Nietzsche Quote: 

The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently. 

I don’t think I have given this topic enough attention with my children, so this post is for them. I also think this rings true in every social media domain. 

Question everything. Most importantly, questions yourself. 

It is far too ingrained in our psyche to align ourselves with people who think like us, talk like us, do what we do, and believe what we believe.  

This is not always a bad thing. This is family, our support group, our comfort zone, our “church.” 

This is what our gym is to us. The people there are our family, and our box is where we go for camaraderie.  

It is important for us to have a place where we belong. 

Just don’t spend all your time in your comfort zone. 

Meet other people.  

Listen to what they have to say.  

You don’t have to join them to try and understand them. 

Think about what they say and believe. Think about why, and think about how it may apply to you. 

Just because you do not agree with them, does not mean they are not brilliant.  

We can not know everything, and others always have something to offer us. Figure out what it is for each person you meet. 

Talk to people. Get to know them. Learn from them. If what they say makes sense, then fold their input into your own beliefs.