Haves vs. have nots

Disclaimer: Some people would consider me in the “Have” class. I have the resources to ensure that my family’s needs are all met, and to provide for most of their “Wants” too. I have also lived a life of pinched pennies. I know what it takes to carefully budget each week, and I recognize the physiological games that we play with ourselves at those times. I see so many people making horrible financial choices that keep them crippled and prevent them from breaking out of their own situations.  

I am struggling to understand the arguments in the “haves” vs. “have nots” case.  

I think it really comes down to protection and envy.  

Those who have the resources at their disposal to “Have” most of what they want just want to keep what they have. Some of them go to great and unconscionable lengths to do so, and to attain more; but in general, most of them have earned what they have and just want to live an honest life driving for more.  

Those who do not have the resources to “Have” most of what they want are the “Have Nots.”  

Most of these people have made choices in their lives to get there where they are. Some of them were intentional choices; some were based on lack of experience, information, or intelligence; some were just unlucky and fell on unfortunate circumstances. Some of these people seem overcome with Envy, desiring what other people have. I think this is where the entire movement spawns from.  

Envy. It is an ugly thing. It is not based on any real tangible human need. The fact that someone else has something, does not appreciably impact you. 

This is becoming more and more common in our current economy. Scarcity is becoming a thing of the past. In the next twenty years scarcity in a developed part of the world will cease to exist. Without scarcity, is there any reason to Envy another’s belongings. No. Will that stop people’s Envy? I fear not.