We are animals

The following post was inspired by this quote: 

“We are a nation of physical animals who have forgotten how much we enjoy being that. We are cushioned by this kind of make-believe, unreal world and we have no idea what we can survive because we are never challenged or tested.”  Chuck Palahniuk 

At our core we have a hunger. 

A hunger to achieve. 

We are animals,  

but animals who want more than food and shelter. 


When we achieve what we were after, we leap for the next ring. 

Those who fall into a pattern of basic survival feel a loss. 

Their nature fighting their lifestyle. 

In a constant state of subconscious conflict – they can find no peace. 

Strengthen your body 

and when strengthening your body push it harder than you think possible. 

Broaden your mind  

and while broadening your mind explore avenues that are dark and scary. 

Sleep deep 

and when sleeping, rest the body and rejuvenate the mind. 

Laugh uncontrollably 

and when laughing, let go of petty concerns. 

Take time to balance your life. 

In all aspects of your life, give due attention. 

It is only through non-biased self examination can we improve. 

Ask yourself hard questions 

and be honest with yourself when you answer.